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7 - 9

Reading 8th grade, w 46-49 (C)

Smedingeskolan Norr, Kungsbacka Förskola & Grundskola - slutgallrad · Senast uppdaterad: 8 januari 2019

During these weeks we are going to work with reading and improving your comprehension when reading different texts.


Centralt innehåll

Arbetsprocess och lektionstid

These following weeks you are going to work with reading and improving your comprehension (förståelse) when you read different texts. 

* You choose the way of working that you feel fits you the best. The main thing is that you challenge yourself with some harder texts, and work with questions and summaries afterwards so you work with your comprehension. 

* You can choose 2 different types of texts if you like. 

- For Thursdays you will have words as homework. These words you pick yourself, and write them down when you read. Choose 10-30 words. E-mail them to me after the lesson on Thursdays the week before, and then you will have a week to study them. 

- Why we have to improve our vocabulary (ordförråd) = The more words you know the easier the comprehension of different texts will be!

Teachers tips;
To be able to write your answers, you must think about what you just read. This analysing part makes you improve (förbättra) your understanding. 

A piece of advice; don't focus/get stuck, on the words you don't know. Try to understand the overall meaning!

* Hand in;

1: You hand in your words each week.

2: You also hand in your questions and summaries when the reading period is over in week 49

Some examples of how you can work with reading

  • Read on the Ipad; 
  • The app TRVL. Read about different countries, cities, people of the world. Write a summary afterwards. 
  • Swedish news articles in English. Write a summary afterwards. 
  • The app Huffington Post. Read interesting news articles. 
  • read manga. read 10 slides and write a summary.
  • iBooks. Read classic novels like Robinson Crusoe, search the library. Write a summary.
  • Download a fairytale or a comic from app store. Read it and write a summary afterwards. (grimm fairytales for example)
  • Books; 
  • Read an ordinary book. after each chapter or 5-10 pages, write a summary. 
  • Read an adjusted (anpassad) book, level 1-6, answer questions in the back of the book, before, while and after reading. also write a summary when you´re done. 
  • Choose the same adjusted book as a friend. Read a chapter and then discuss it orally (muntligt) with your friend. Answer the questions together. 


Assessment (bedömning)

Lyssna & Läsa;

How well you understand what you read. When you work with reading and do different exercises (questions, summaries etc).

Se kunskapskrav i matrisen nedan.


förstå och tolka innehållet i talad engelska och i olika slags texter,

använda språkliga strategier för att förstå och göra sig förstådda,

Talad engelska och texter från olika medier.

Talad engelska med viss regional och social färgning.

Muntliga och skriftliga instruktioner och beskrivningar.

Olika former av samtal, dialoger, intervjuer och muntliga framställningar.

Muntlig och skriftlig information samt diskussioner och argumentation med olika syften, till exempel nyheter, reportage och tidningsartiklar.

Strategier för att uppfatta detaljer och sammanhang i talat språk och texter, till exempel att anpassa lyssnande och läsning efter framställningens form, innehåll och syfte.

Matriser i planeringen
Bedömning; läsa & lyssna

Innehåller inga uppgifter

Hjälp och support



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