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Book review

Västra skolan, Falun · Senast uppdaterad: 22 september 2016

It's time to make a book review of a book that you have read.


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Book review

How to write a book review

Below is a list of questions about your book. If you answer them carefully and in detail you can use your answers to form a detailed book review, which gives your opinion of the book.


What happened in the story? What was the story about? What length of time did it cover? ( the amount of time that passes during the course of the book, not how long it took you to read it) What was unusual? Ordinary? What was the opening of the book like? Exciting? Slow? Dramatic? Dull? How did the events in the book follow on from each other? What was the climax of the story? How did it end?

Who were the main characters? What were they like? Were they described in much detail? Which did you find most interesting? Most sympathetic? ( you like them as you can understand their feelings and you may have had a similar experience yourself) What kind of relationships and / or conflicts were there? Did these characters change throughout the story?


Was the story written in the first or third person? (‘I’ or ‘he/she’) How important was this to the story? Was the setting described in detail? Were feelings and attitudes described in depth? Was it a good story? Why? What was your favourite moment in the story? Why? Were there any moments (or characters) that might have been improved? If so, what changes would you make?

Do you think the writer had a particular reason for telling this story? How do you feel during and after reading it? Do you think you learned anything from the book about people? Ways of life? How would you compare it to other books you´ve read? What else do you think is important to say about the book? Would you recommend this book?

Check your spelling. Divide your text into paragraphs. Be consistent in your use of tenses. Conjugate your verbs correctly. Practise irregular verbs regularly.
VERBS: is/are, was/were, have, has or had, do, does or did, ing-form or not, will or shall, should or would ?
NOUNS: the plural man-men, woman-women, tooth-teeth, child-children, foot-feet An apostrophe or not: ´s or s´
PRONOUNS: it or there, some or any, who, which or that?
ADJECTIVES: the comparison: -er/-est or more, most, bad/worse/the worst, little/less/the least Adjective or adverb? (careful or carefully)
PREPOSITIONS: about, at by, during, for, from, in, into, of, off, on, to, with
WORD ORDER: f. ex. Suddenly the car stopped. In London I went by bus. Copy out in your best handwriting or a computer print-out. Your paper should always be clean and tidy.


formulera sig och kommunicera i tal och skrift,

använda språkliga strategier för att förstå och göra sig förstådda,

anpassa språket efter olika syften, mottagare och sammanhang, och

Skönlitteratur och annan fiktion även i talad, dramatiserad och filmatiserad form.

Språkliga företeelser som uttal, intonation, grammatiska strukturer, satsbyggnad, ord med olika stilvärden samt fasta språkliga uttryck i det språk eleverna möter.

Hur sammanbindande ord och andra uttryck används för att skapa struktur och språkligt sammanhängande helheter.

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