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Social media

Kapareskolan A-D, Kungsbacka Förskola & Grundskola - slutgallrad · Senast uppdaterad: 11 april 2016

Let's talk and write! 👄👂💻 Subject - Social media Watch the two clips and discuss afterwards what you have seen - use the statements below to get you started. Afterwards I want you to write me a text about the movies and about your habits and thoughts about social media.You don't need to write about all the questions but hopefully the will help you get started 😀Your text needs to be 1-2 pages long and I will look at your ability to describe thoughts and events. Be careful with your grammar and focus on your vocabulary. Describe the two movies we saw - what are they about? What is their messages?Do they give an accurate picture of life today?What is the good thing with social media?What is the bad thing with social media?How often do you use social media? Which ones?Discuss the actions of the man in the first movie. What are the differences between his real life and his status? Why does he write as he do?Do you ever post status or pictures just to get likes or comments?If you had to be without your phone and your IPad etc for one week, what would you miss the most? Do you think there would be something good about it?You are the first generation that has grown up all connected all the time, what do you think that will mean for your future? Good and bad things. I want you text Friday week 11 on Showbie/ Sofie


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