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Year 8 - Holes by Louis Sachar

Södertälje Friskola AB, Fristående Grundskolor · Senast uppdaterad: 22 augusti 2016

You will now read the novel "Holes" and work with the assignments in the work sheet - in your own individual time. The book is about Stanley Yelnats who has been unjustly sent to a boy's detention center, Camp Green Lake.


After reading chapter 1-28 (up until page 123), write: Present day at Camp Green Lake: Discuss Stanley's crime and punishment - what happened and how did he end up at Camp Green Lake? How are the days spent at the Camp? Are there any good things about being there? The past: Discuss Stanley's great great grand-father, Elya Yelnats (from Latvia) and re-tell what happened to him, Myra, Myra's father and Madame Zeroni. How did he become "the no-good-dirty-rotten-pig-stealing great great grandfather" of the Yelnats family?

Even though Stanley doesn't believe that there is a curse on his family, he does believe that they are followed by bad luck. Do you believe in luck? Or do you believe that you are the master of your own fate, and that luck has nothing to do with anything? Discuss the topic of luck and fate shortly, in writing!


After reading chapter 29-38 (up until page 171), write: Stanley has - so far - been in the wrong place at the wrong time on two occasions: first when he got hit by the sneakers and accused of stealing them (p. 24), and then when the sunflower seeds ended up in his hole, but it was not him who stole them (p. 84). Why do you think the he does not tell the truth about his innocence?

In chapter 20, Stanley meets the Warden for the first time. What happens in her cabin? After this Stanley figures out what K.B. stands for - what is it?

What deal does Stanley make with Zero? How is it working out? We also discover Zero's real name - does it ring any bells?


After reading chapter 39-47 (up until page 214), write: In the part that you have just read, Zero runs away from camp, and then Stanley! Re-tell what happens and how they find each other in the desert. In the dried out lake, Stanley finds a boat called "Mary Lou". Who did this boat belong to, one hundred and ten years ago? What is "sploosh"?

Stanley and Zero are walking towards "God's thumb" - what is that? What do they find on the top of the mountain?


After reading chapter 48-50 (the ending), write: Despite all his difficulties, Stanley likes himself now. He feels happy and that his life has a sense of destiny. Explain why!

We learn that Stanley's and Zero's crimes are connected - explain how! Also describe what happened on the mountain and what it was that kept them alive when they were up there.

Lastly, descibe what happens when Zero and Stanley returns to camp and starts digging for the treasure!



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Skönlitteratur och annan fiktion även i talad, dramatiserad och filmatiserad form.

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