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A teen's life

Hedeskolan Kattegatt, Kungsbacka Förskola & Grundskola - slutgallrad · Senast uppdaterad: 22 augusti 2016

In this assignment you will make comparisons between an average teen in Sweden and a teen in another English speaking country. The comparisons will be about teens' everyday life. This means, you are to do a research on young peoples' habits and living conditions when it comes to studies and spare time activities.

A teen´s life


In this assignment you will make comparisons between an average teen in Sweden and a teen in another English speaking country. The comparisons will be about teens'  everyday life.

This means, you are to do a research on young peoples'  habits and living conditions when it comes to studies and spare time activities.


You will be given a country to work with.


In pairs, look for facts on:


  1. School work, for example: number of working hours a day, amount of homework per day/week, tests, school rules and restrictions, punishments etc.


  1. Spare time activities, for example: popular sports (which ones?), any differences considering girls' and boys' activities? Extra jobs, what sorts are common? Age limits to get jobs?


  1. Freedom/responsibility, how much/in what situations are teens allowed to decide for themselves? For example, what about staying out late, when are they legally of age?


Work instructions:


Collect relevant facts in accordance with the instructions above and compare them with the current conditions in Sweden. Focus on and point out similarities as well as differences between the two countries. Find as many as possible.


Add a conclusion and reflection part: What are your own thoughts about your the things you´ve learned? Anything special that struck you or crossed your mind? Which teen, according to you, the Swede or the other one, seems to lead the best life? Motivate!


Also, collect 5-10 words that you took notice of while working with this assignment. Choose words that were new to yourself or ones that you think might be useful to your class mates to know.




Each pair will present their facts to the class. In other words, what differences and similarities have you found?


The words; write them on the whiteboard and give explanations to each and one of them. Use whole sentences.


You can use Keynote for your presentation. Remember, no written texts, though. Pictures and keywords are allowed.


Duration of the speech: 10 minutes or more.


Good Luck!!


/Camilla and Anette


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