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Year 8 - Crime Theme

Södertälje Friskola AB, Fristående Grundskolor · Senast uppdaterad: 16 augusti 2017

In this theme we will begin by learning a lot of words that has to with crime, and more specifically with law and punishment. We will also see a documentary about Rodney King, and talk about riots spreading, all the way to Sweden. After about two weeks this will lead us into novel reading: "Holes" which is a book about boys being sent to a correctional facility and/or other crime fiction.


Crime sheet 1a: We will look at different words related to the crime theme and define the words. Extending our vocabulary.

Crime sheet 1b: Match the crime descriptions with the right crime! Reading comprehension.

Crime sheet 4b: More words and then: put yourself in the judge's position!

Crime sheet 4c: You are a judge and you must decide how long sentences different criminals will get, from a series of cases.

Crime sheet 5a: Looking at a Bob Dylan song: "The  Death of Emmet Till".

(If there is time: look at some texts from the text book as well.)

Watch the documentary about Rodney King and the riots - discuss. Also read and discuss the riots in Sweden.

Time frame: week 39 - 41.


Intressen, vardagliga situationer, aktiviteter, händelseförlopp samt relationer och etiska frågor.

Talad engelska och texter från olika medier.

Muntliga och skriftliga instruktioner och beskrivningar.

Olika former av samtal, dialoger, intervjuer och muntliga framställningar.

Muntlig och skriftlig information samt diskussioner och argumentation med olika syften, till exempel nyheter, reportage och tidningsartiklar.

Muntliga och skriftliga berättelser, beskrivningar och instruktioner.

Samtal och diskussioner samt argumentation.

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