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7 - 9

Wings 9 - Section 4 - English around the world

Fuxernaskolan 7-9, Lilla Edet · Senast uppdaterad: 8 januari 2020

In this section you will be working with an English speaking country from Section 4. The choices of countries are: Ireland, India, South Africa, Australia, New Zealand or Zambia.

Starting with week 34...

... you will be making a mind-map about one of the English speaking countries, and later you will be making a travel brochure.

Week 35 - Travel brochure

When writing your travel brochure, use the facts that you think are the most interesting about your country.

Google is your friend! Find some pictures and other interesting facts about the country.

You can use websites like TripAdvisor,, and wikipedia to find more information.

Week 38 - Oral presentation

Afterwards, you will be doing an oral presentation with the information you have found about your country. 



Keep in mind! 

No copy-pasting information from ANY website. You can use them to gather information, but you need to use your own words.


Innehåller inga läroplanspunkter

Matriser i planeringen

Innehåller inga matriser

Presentation / brochure

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