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Crime and punishment

Ärentunaskolan, Uppsala · Senast uppdaterad: 7 augusti 2018

We are going to study and write about crimes, criminals and different punishments. We will discuss their merits and try to find out if there are any "good" crimes. And of course we will also get into the discussion surrounding the pros and cons of the Capital punishment.

We will work with the material in section two, Wings, the new edition and we will also write a diary from our time in prison when we are doing our imagined time. Furthermore will we see a movie, I won't specify the name yet so nobody watches it beforehand. Finally you will all do an oral presentation about a famous crime, criminal or prison. You will be evaluated during classes and most specifically when you do your diary, write about the Movie,  and during your oral presentation.


Innehåller inga läroplanspunkter

Matriser i planeringen
Crime and punishment
Write a diary
Oral presentation
To write a reworked text about the movie.

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