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Film review

Olandsskolan, Östhammar · Senast uppdaterad: 12 december 2017

Klassen ska se filmen Bridget Jones Diary och sedan skriva en filmrecension.

Hi everybody

After having seen the film "Bridget Jones' Diary" you will write a film Review. Please note that it is not allowed to steal (copy and paste) text from the Internet and include it in your own text.

I want your film review to include the following:

  1. A short introduction of the novel on which the film is based.
  2. A short presentation of the author.
  3. Who directed the film and when was it made?
  4. Retell the plot. Not too detailed.
  5. Give your personal views and opinions of the film. Please explain why or why not you like the film.
  6. Is there a hidden message in the film?

Try to cover these items on one A4-page. I want you to share your Review with me or e-mail me it by Friday 19 January 2018.

Good luck!






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