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7 - 9

The English World project Eng 9 VT21

Tunaskolan, Lunds för- och grundskolor · Senast uppdaterad: 26 maj 2021

You are going to present something from the English Speaking World , which means a topic/subject/phenomenon related to the society, people or culture that you are interested to learn more about. Your assignment is to find information and describe facts. Thereafter make a comparison and discuss what you find similar and/or different from your own experiences.



Ni kommer att få arbeta med förmågan att:

”reflektera över livsvillkor, samhällsfrågor och kulturella företeelser i olika sammanhang och delar av världen där engelska används ”

(Lgr11, engelska)

"Eleven diskuterar ...........några företeelser i olika sammanhang och områden där engelska används, och kan då också göra ....... jämförelser med egna erfarenheter och kunskaper"



The goal with this project is that you are going to:

  • find a topic/sublect/phenomenon related to the English speaking world - related to the society/culture/people - that you are interested in and want to learn more about
  • describe and explain - find sources and facts
  • discuss and compare - make a comparison to your own experience and your country
  • write your text and publish at our blog 
  • record a report in speaking 

Undervisningens innehåll


You are supposed to work on your project, in Google Classroom, during lessons in school. No writing at home. I must be able to follow your writing process for assessment reasons.

  • Plan your work
  • Search facts
  • Value your sources
  • Write in your own words
  • Write for your fellow students
  • Write according to what you learnt (paragraphs, linking words…)
  • Make sure your text answers your own research questions (see below)
  • State your sources
  • Publish your text as a blog
  • Make a report based on the same topic, in speaking, and record it
  • Assessment will be made in Unikum (see criteria below)
  • Evaluate your work

Arbetssätt och redovisningsform


For further instructions and time planning, see Google Classroom.

Visa din kunskap - bedömning

The project will be presented in class. Assessment according to the criteria in the grid below.


E: People in the USA eat a lot of fastfood, like pizza, hamburgers and french fries just like we do in Sweden.

C: Fastfood is very popular in the USA and food like pizza, hamburgers and french fries is very common just like here in Sweden. Besides the portions in restaurants in the States are often very big with free refill for drinks. So, it’s not surprising that Americans become fat/obese. Most of our fastfood restaurants here in Sweden come from the USA and, unfortunately, our portions get bigger so in a couple of years we might become just as fat as Americans

A: Fastfood is very popular in the USA and food like pizza, hamburgers and french fries is very common just like here in Sweden. Besides the portions in restaurants in the States are often very big with free refill for drinks. Most of our fastfood restaurants here in Sweden come from the USA and, unfortunately, our portions get bigger here too.

Another typical American feature is the use of cars. Most big cities require your own car to get around and facilities are often adapted to cars, with drive-thrus. In combination with the food culture it’s not surprising that Americans become fat/obese. Even here we tend to adopt the American style, but hopefully we can see and learn to take better care of our health.

Reflektion och utvärdering

  • Did you achieve the goals for the project? Why? Why not?


reflektera över livsvillkor, samhällsfrågor och kulturella företeelser i olika sammanhang och delar av världen där engelska används.

Levnadsvillkor, traditioner, sociala relationer och kulturella företeelser i olika sammanhang och områden där engelska används.

Matriser i planeringen
Visad kunskap 7-9 Engelska

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