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Fuxernaskolan 7-9, Lilla Edet · Senast uppdaterad: 17 april 2018

During this unit you will work with health in different ways. You will also work on developing your ability to read, listen, speak and write.

Why health?

What is health? When does healthy become unhealthy? Health is an issue that is not entirely easy. That is why it is important to reflect on. We are fed different opinions of what health is from home, advertising, school etc. During this unit you will read texts, discuss and write about health in different ways. While doing that you will also work on developing your abilities to read, listen, speak and write.


Important words




Eating disorder




Speaking exercises

1) Talk about the pictures above. Describe what you see in the pictures. What do you think about when looking at them? Explain!

2) Discuss the questions in the picture below.


3) Watch the trailer below. Would you do it? Why/why not? What do you think of  the saying "if it seems too good to be true, it probably is" in relation to this trailer?

Wings Red

The importance of looking good, pp. 38-40. Working with words and grammar.

Assignment (reading, searching for information and writing): "The importance of looking good"


Fit and healthy for life, pp. 41-43. Working with words and grammar.

Healthy snacks, pp. 44-45. Working with words and grammar.

Eating disorders, pp. 46-47. Working with words and grammar.

The body, p. 56. Working with words.


Texts that are a bit more of a challenge

A day's wait, pp. 57-59. Working with words, grammar and reading comprehension.

Assignment (reading): A day's wait


I'm not a druggie, pp. 60-62. Working with words.

Assignment (reading, searching for information, writing): Drug testing - yes or no?


The party, pp. 63-67. Working with words.

Assignment (writing): The party - what really happened to Alice





Innehåller inga läroplanspunkter

Matriser i planeringen
Health: Write about pictures
Write about a song
The importance of looking good:
Oral presentation about health
Your new job as a health coach
What is healthy and unhealthy to you?
The importance of looking good
A day's wait
Drug testing - yes or no?
The party - what really happened to Alice

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