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Backpacking English Speaking Countries 2018

Sannarpsgymnasiet, Halmstad · Senast uppdaterad: 9 april 2018

Learning English in school, is not just about learning grammar, new vocabulary, reading books or articles. English is so much more than that. To fully understand English, we also need to understand the many different countries that actually speak English. There are many countries that speak English, not just the UK and the US as many people seem to think. A fun fact is that USA's official language is not even English, USA does not have an official language. Even though, the majority of the US population speaks English. On the map above you can see many of the major English speaking countries that we are going to explore here in this little project.

Task I
You have just finished Gymnasiet and feel rather worn out, so you would like to take some time off re-discovering yourself. Therefore, you have decided on going backpacking and see the world.


Step one: First, you have to decide if you would like to go travelling by yourself or, with some friends. You may be no more than three. What could some of the benefits be with traveling alone, contra traveling with some friends?


Step two: Which destination? The destination must be English speaking countries and preferably the ones on the map on page one. You may choose more than one country, but it has to make sense. For example; If you were to go to New Zealand, the countries around New Zealand would also make sense visiting. Countries such as; Australia, Fiji and Tonga.


Step three: Plan your trip. Before travelling to any country, you might actually want to know something about where you are actually going. So, after deciding where you would like to go backpacking you have to research the country, or countries you are going to. Some examples of what you can research are; Economy, Politics, Traditions, Environment, Minorities, Sports, Music, Dialects, or whatever you prefere. This is also where you motivate, why you would like to go to this particular country or countries.


Step four: In this step you decide on what you are actually going to do, while you are away on your trip. What tourist attractions would I like to see? Or, am I more of a daredevil and want to go skydiving or rafting. Perhaps, art and different museums is what I would like to see, or get that ultimate sporting experience by seeing that particular match I have always dreamt of. Warm weather and beaches does not sound that bad either. The possibilities are pretty much endless here, follow your interests and design the trip of your dreams. I also want you to map out your travels, every destination at your trip and what you do at this particular destination. It also have to make sense. For example; My first destination might be Auckland, New Zealand. In Auckland I go and experience some tourists attractions and stay there for a week or so, before taking the bus down to Rotorua. Which would be a logical next stop and after that moving downwards, or along the coastlines. Do not just fly all across the country, it would be both expensive and bad for the environment.

Your trip must be planned for at least three months.

Task II
On your travels you meet a Canadian couple, and they tell you that they would really like to go to Sweden some day. They ask you, what are some things you really must see, or do in Sweden? What should we know about Sweden or, Swedish people before we go there?


So, describe to the Canadian couple what Sweden is like and why they should go there.

What they should definitely see and do while they are in Sweden, and what Sweden and Swedes are like.


Levnadsvillkor, attityder, värderingar och traditioner samt sociala, politiska och kulturella förhållanden i olika sammanhang och delar av världen där engelska används. Engelska språkets utbredning och ställning i världen.

Strategier för att lyssna och läsa på olika sätt och med olika syften.

Olika sätt att söka, välja och kritiskt granska texter och talat språk.

Muntlig och skriftlig produktion och interaktion av olika slag, även i mer formella sammanhang, där eleverna instruerar, berättar, sammanfattar, förklarar, kommenterar, värderar, motiverar sina åsikter, diskuterar och argumenterar.

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