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Start Your Own Party   

Tågaborgsskolan, Helsingborg · Senast uppdaterad: 4 september 2018

På engelskan kommer du att berika ditt ordförråd för att kunna uttrycka dig med lätthet såväl skriftligt som muntligt. Fokus kommer att vara muntlig kommunikation, använda strategier för att förstå och göra sig förstådd, anpassa språket efter situationen och lära mer om val och demokrati i olika värden. Vi kommer att läsa, lyssna, prata, se och skapa film, reflektera och hela tiden berika ordförrådet.

First task before you design your promotion video :


Your job as a group is to design first a poster that promotes and explains your political party. The poster will help you to design your promotion video…..


Make the poster appealing and include the following elements.


  • All the requirements from below

  • 1-2 graphics that represent your party and candidate

  • Organized in such a way to make it easy to read and understand by someone who knows nothing about the party and candidate.

  • Be neat with no spelling or grammar errors.

Task 1.

Start your own Party   with   a Political Party Poster


Name of Political Party _________________________________


Name of presidential candidate __________________________


What is the symbol of the party? What is the history of background of the symbol?

Research Questions (each group member signs up to research one of these questions/ be responsible for one of these questions)


1. History of the party. How long has it been in existence?


What are its major areas of focus and/or concerns?


2. Create a logo for your political party


Choose a colour for your political party and explain why you have chosen it.


3. Impacts it’s made on our country. Does your party have a nickname? (ex. GOP) slogan?


What do they mean? _______________________


5 Issues

Discuss together where your party stands on the following issues.  Rank them and write than

a detailed position statement!


Education _____________________________________


Economy ______________________________________


Environment/Global Warming ______________________


Health Care ____________________________________




2. Task

Design your promotion video!  Follow the steps your teacher has provided for you!


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Start Your Own Party

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