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The Country

Martin Koch-gymnasiet, Hedemora · Senast uppdaterad: 27 januari 2021

During the next few weeks you will, together with a couple of classmates, read and learn more about a country in the United Kingdom. The group will be appointed a country and the examination will be to hold an oral presentation including a well laid out Power point presentation.

During the next few weeks you, together with three classmates, will read and learn more about an English-speaking country. The group will be appointed a country and the examination will be to hold an oral presentation including a well laid out Power point presentation. 

You will be graded individually but the presentation and the Power point must be created by the group and coherently presented to the rest of the class. Every member of the group should speak for at least 1-2 minutes.


Topics that must be included in the presentation are: 

  • Basic facts - government, politics, flag, currency, brief history. 

  • Food and traditions – Religion? Secularized? National dish? Why? 

  • Map – nature, surroundings, cities, well-known places, tourist attractions

  • Living in the country – equality, school system, economy, unemployment, housing, social life,  

  • Famous manufactures, famous brands, famous people 

  • Anything of your choice...  

At the end of the presentation I want every member of the group to ask the audience two questions about something she/he talked about. 


Centralt innehåll Engelska 5(Skolverket): 

  • Levnadsvillkor, attityder, värderingar och traditioner samt sociala, politiska och kulturella förhållanden i olika sammanhang och delar av världen där engelska används. Engelska språkets utbredning och ställning i världen. 

  • Muntlig produktion och interaktion av olika slag, även i mer formella sammanhang, där eleverna instruerar, berättar, sammanfattar, förklarar, kommenterar, värderar, motiverar sina åsikter, diskuterar och argumenterar. 

  • Olika sätt att söka, välja och kritiskt granska texter och talat språk. 



Innehåller inga läroplanspunkter

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The Country - Oral presentation
Groups and date of presentation

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