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7 - 9

North Korea vs Animal Farm - A comparison

Modersmålsundervisningen, Lunds för- och grundskolor · Senast uppdaterad: 10 maj 2022

After watching a documentary about life in North Korea, pupils discuss the similarites between Animal Farm and life in the North Korean dictatorship

After watching the documentary I would like you to write in detail about the similarities between life in North Korea and life on Animal Farm.
Take care to discuss the way of life for both communities living under a dictatorship.

Make sure to mention the following:


Who benefits from the society?

Who gets left out?

How do the citizens get their information about the world?

What happens do you think if you step out of line?

What evidence of this can you see from the documentary?


Additionally I would like you to discuss and compare life in Sweden.

Discuss the following points:


What might we take for granted living here?

What are the benefits of living in a country such as this compared to life in North Korea?

In what way is our society run, and who gets to choose how it is run?


Make sure you have covered all of these points in your essay!


You will be writing your essay by hand under examination conditions. You are allowed to research your topic and bring notes to class, but no completed texts will be allowed in the classroom.





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North Korea vs Animal Farm - A comparison

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