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Food Ht-18

Stenkulan, Lerum · Senast uppdaterad: 14 november 2018

What is your favourite food? How do you think one should behave at a restaurant? And are there any differences between British and Swedish food? In this Unit we are going to talk and read about food, fast food and other things related to the topic. We will work with the chapter Food from Good Stuff B Gold.

1. Method

You are going to:

  • Read different texts from the Textbook and do exercises from the Workbook.
  • Write about food, about Canada and about yourself.
  • At the end of the Unit (Friday week 39) we will do a test with words from the chapter, some short writing exercises and a listening comprehension.

You will work on your own, in pairs and in small groups.


2. Assessment

You will be able to show what you know and have learnt by:

  • Talking about and discussing the texts, both in small groups and with the class.
  • Taking part in discussions/ a presentation
  • Using English when you talk with your teacher and your classmates

    Writing assignment related to food.


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