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Create your own theatre play!

Rättviksskolan, Rättvik · Senast uppdaterad: 20 november 2018

During the next few weeks, you are going to create and perform a play in a group of 2-3 people.

How to write your play 

  • start with an idea. The idea will help you create the plot - what happens in the story. The play can be about something that really happened or about something fictional. 
  • think about the conflict - the main problem the characters face 

A play usually goes like this: 

  1. in the beginning, the characters face a conflict 
  2. the characters try to solve the problem 
  3. what the characters are doing leads to a turning point - where everything can go back to normal again, or everything can become 
  4. a conclusion - that shows the audience how things end 

You will write a manuscript that will include: 

1. characters - who are the people in the play? 

2. setting - where and when is the play happening? 

3. the dialogue - what are the characters saying/doing? 


Here are some ideas to get you started: 

- a play that shows what happens after two people bump into each other 

- a play where a character is fighting two different voices in their head 

- a play in which an important discussion takes place 

- a play that happens on board of a ship 

- a play where the main characters are gods 

- a play in which the characters are actually toys 

- a play that starts with the sentence: "I love you. At least, I think I do." 

- a play about creating a play 

- a play about an important issue you feel strongly about 

- a play that ends with the line "I don't remember anyone asking for your opinion." 

- a play that is set on another planet 

- a play that is set in the depths of the ocean 

- a play where the characters have to make an important decision 


The play should be between 3-4 minutes long. 


Aktuella och för eleverna välbekanta ämnesområden.

Intressen, vardagliga situationer, aktiviteter, händelseförlopp samt relationer och etiska frågor.

Muntliga och skriftliga berättelser, beskrivningar och instruktioner.

Språkliga företeelser för att förtydliga, variera och berika kommunikationen som uttal, intonation och fasta språkliga uttryck, grammatiska strukturer och satsbyggnad.

Matriser i planeringen

Innehåller inga matriser

Play Manuscript

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