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Book review

Stavby skola, Uppsala · Senast uppdaterad: 22 november 2018

Three weeks of reading a book of your choice, and writing a book review!

Bedömning och tidsåtgång

Jag kommer att bedöma din skriftliga bokredovisning, din läslogg och ditt arbete på lektionerna. 

Arbetet påbörjas v 47 och avslutas måndagen v 50 genom att du lämnar in en bokrecension på 350 ord, skrivna per dator eller med din snyggaste handstil.

Book review

The following three weeks you are supposed to read a book in English and to write a book review. There will be no homework during the period, but you are to hand in a small log (50-60 words) about your reading on Wednesdays week 48 and 49. 

How to write a book review

Below is a list of questions about your book. If you answer them carefully and in detail you can use your answers to form a detailed book review. You should also state and explain your opinion of the book.


Write a short summary of the story of the book. When and where does the story take place? What kind of story is it; detective story, science fiction, comedy? What is the most important chapter or episode of the book? Give examples.


Who is the main character of the book? Are there more than one? Describe them as well as you can. How do they look? How old are they? How do they act? Do they change in the course of the story? What are their relations to each other? Are they described in a way that makes you understand their feelings?



Where does the story take place? When - what country? Same place all the time? Is the setting well described? Give examples!


What is the message of the book? Why did the author write this book and what does she/he want to say with it? Does he/she want you as a reader to learn something? Don't forget examples!



What is your overall opinion of the book? What did you like? What did you not like? To whom - what kind of reader - would you recommend this book? Was the ending as as you had expected it to be or would you like to change it? Does the title fit the story? Any other details that made you react?

Remember that you always have to explain why you think the way you do! Try to give examples from the book to support your opinion.


Check your spelling. Divide your text into paragraphs. Be consistent in your use of tenses. Conjugate your verbs correctly. 

VERBS: is/are, was/were, have, has or had, do, does or did, ing-form or not, will or shall, should or would ?
NOUNS: the plural man-men, woman-women, tooth-teeth, child-children, foot-feet An apostrophe or not: ´s or s´
PRONOUNS: it or there, some or any, who, which or that?
ADJECTIVES: the comparison: -er/-est or more, most, bad/worse/the worst, little/less/the least Adjective or adverb? (careful or carefully)
PREPOSITIONS: about, at, by, during, for, from, in, into, of, off, on, to, with
WORD ORDER: f. ex. Suddenly the car stopped. In London I went by bus.


formulera sig och kommunicera i tal och skrift,

använda språkliga strategier för att förstå och göra sig förstådda,

anpassa språket efter olika syften, mottagare och sammanhang, och

Skönlitteratur och annan fiktion även i talad, dramatiserad och filmatiserad form.

Språkliga företeelser som uttal, intonation, grammatiska strukturer, satsbyggnad, ord med olika stilvärden samt fasta språkliga uttryck i det språk eleverna möter.

Hur sammanbindande ord och andra uttryck används för att skapa struktur och språkligt sammanhängande helheter.

Matriser i planeringen
Kunskapskrav book review
Läslogg v 49
Läslogg v 48

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