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7 - 9

New York city trip

Furulundsskolan, Halmstad · Senast uppdaterad: 11 januari 2019



  • formulera sig och kommunicera i tal
  • reflektera över livsvillkor, samhällsfrågor och kulturella företeelser i olika sammanhang och delar av världen där engelska används.


Självständigt kunna söka fakta om New York City. 

Planera en resa utifrån en given budget

Planera för och genomföra en muntlig presentation för en liten grupp av klassen. 



 This is the content of the project

• Watch the videos for inspiration on what to do, and to learn a few new things about New York City.

• Individually, you should plan a trip NYC and prepare a short oral presentation for a group of people in the class. You are going to make a power point presentation, which includes all of your key notes. You use future tense when presenting your trip (I´m going to, I will…).


Videos to watch about NYC 


Plan your trip

You want to arrive in NYC on Sunday the 23rd of June and stay in the city until Thursday the 27th of June. You have a budget of 20 000 Swedish crowns. Do research online and include this information in your presentation:

• Your flight details and costs

• The hotel you will be staying at

• What you’ll be doing during your stay (restaurants, clubs, shopping, tourist sites). Give as many details as possible!

• How you get to these different places. (Walking, the subway, the bus)

• You can also make an effort and try to find out if there are any special events such as concerts, sports, plays or festivals when you’re in town

Make sure you stay within the given budget. Include the prices. Remember to check the currency rate and convert the prices.


Your presentation should be around 5 minutes.




Du kommer bli bedömd på din muntliga presentation där innehåll såväl som språk är lika viktigt. Se matris. 


Innehåller inga läroplanspunkter

Matriser i planeringen
Muntlig presentation engelska 7-9
NYC trip presentation
NYC trip Oral presentation

Hjälp och support



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