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Wings Section 3: The Environment

Grindskolan, Norrtälje · Senast uppdaterad: 8 januari 2019

During this unit, you will work with the environment and learn about sustainable development.

Why the environment?

There is literally no escaping the environment. It is all around us and we depend on it. That is why it is such an important issue to reflect on. There are many thoughts on climate change, and it is often hard to determine what is a trustworthy fact and what is not. Something most people agree on, however, is that we need to think about our environment. We will read about and discuss this during this unit. You will also work on improving your language skills when it comes to reading, listening, speaking and writing.

Important words


This section will mostly focus on talking in English.  You will need to get used to talking more in English and that is why you will do a few oral presentations within this section.


Speaking exercises


1. Watch the YouTube clip below. What are your reactions? What are we being told? Does it seem trustworthy to you? Why/why not? 

2. You will also do two oral presentations. One on Global warming and another on The Environment.


Reading: We will read some of the following texts within this section:


Global warming, pp. 78-79.

What can you do to help (pp. 80-81)?

Save the rainforests (pp. 82-83)!

Green cars, pp. 84-85.

Why veggie (pp. 86-87)?

Recycling, pp. 88-89.


Texts that are a bit more of a challenge

Fresh air will kill you, pp. 96-97.

All summer in a day, pp. 98-101.

What do we really need (pp. 102-103)?





Innehåller inga läroplanspunkter

Matriser i planeringen
Wings - Section 3: The Environment
Assignment 1B: Re-think in order to Re-duce!
Global warming: Written Assignment, Oral presentation and Test.
Green cars: What car would you choose?
Extra: Inside the mind of a master procrastinator
Write 15 sentences
Oral presentation about the environment
Global warming (2)
A trip to...
Global warming: oral presentation
Global warming: Written Assignment, Oral presentation and Test.
Uppgift 11
Uppgift 12

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