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Let's Talk Animals

Östervåla skola 7-9, Heby · Senast uppdaterad: 9 september 2019

The texts in this unit are very varied. An interview with Emily who has lots of animals; a typical week in Wellingtons’s (a cat) life; a boy who is saved by his best friend, a dog; facts about working dogs, and texts suitable for studying and debating (Animals – Friends or Fur?) The exercises are just as varied and should inspire you to writing and discussions.


Let’s Talk Animals

Text Book pp 4-5

Work Book pp 4-6, exercise 1, 3, 4, 5


13/9 Hand in: ”Finish of and write a funny dialogue about a pet/pets. Try to use as many of the expressiosn in the exercise on page 6 in Work Book as possible.”


It’s a Cat’s Life

Text Book pp 6-7

Work Book pp 8-10, exercise 1-5



The Rescue

Text Book 8-11

Work Book pp 11-13



Animals- Friends or Fur?

Text Book 12-15

Work Book Exercise 2, hand in your letter to the teacher.


Grammar: Noun /Substantiv

Work Book 112-119


Note: Homework every Friday, words (glosor) and sometimes one exercise in Work Book.

användarnamn: katrinarrehn

lösenord: 1234




Week 39. Test, the text at page 4-5 in Text Book and words.

Week 40. Listen Comprehension and Reading Comprehension (Hör och läsförståelse test)



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