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Svenska, Engelska




English Project/ Text Level

Stråtjära skola, Söderhamn · Senast uppdaterad: 14 januari 2020

Eleven har valt ett valfritt ämne att skriva om på engelska.

Finding out how to write a story.

The children will work with story. They will also choose what they want to write about. They will also learn how to write independently, using plans and drafts for support.


You will find out more about the subjekt you choose to write about.You will practice to plan a story. You will practice to write.You will learn how to select information and present it.You will practice to develop ability to identify and respond to main events and ideas in a myth or legend.You will practice to identify how to develop characters in stories.


In the Syllabus it says:

• Language strategies for remembering and learning, such as using mind maps and key words.

• Words and terms used to express feelings, knowledge and opinions.

• Differences in language use, depending on who you write to and for what purpose, such as the difference between writing a personal SMS message and a factual text.

• Some important literary authors for children and young people and their works.

• Descriptive, explanatory, instructional and argumentative texts, including factual texts, task descriptions, advertisements and letters to the press. Textual contents, structure and typical language features.


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