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7 - 9

Tourist Guide

Wieselgrensskolan, Helsingborg · Senast uppdaterad: 22 januari 2020

Create a tourist guide in a workgroup.

You will in your group create a tourist guide for an English speaking town. New York, Washington, Cape Town, Melbourne, London, Edinburg, Los Angeles.

In this guide you will find:


  • History of the town/city

  • A map of the town/city

  • Facts ( number of inhabitants, climate etc )

  • Famous sights like buildings, parks, bridges etc

  • Activities. What can you do in order to amuse yourself

  • Famous persons from this town/city

  • What can you eat? Name some different restaurants


You will perform both written and oral presentations.


  • Written: You will make a folder with the different things above. The folder shall make people wanting to go to this town/city so it is good if it contains pictures.

  • Oral: You will, in your group, present the town to the class and use Power Point, Google slides or film.


formulera sig och kommunicera i tal och skrift,

anpassa språket efter olika syften, mottagare och sammanhang, och

reflektera över livsvillkor, samhällsfrågor och kulturella företeelser i olika sammanhang och delar av världen där engelska används.

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Innehåller inga matriser

Tourist Guide

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