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WELCOME BACK! and welcome to the English Class

Rinkebyskolan, Stockholm Grundskolor · Senast uppdaterad: 14 augusti 2020

Hi everyone! This the firts day of your nineth grade's Life! It's of great importance to have a good introduction to your school life and to the stuff you have ahead of you when it comes to the English subject. At the end of the term your goal should be that you suceed to be the very best version of yourself.




1. Syfte med undervisning - Varför gör du det här? Vilken nytta har du av det?

The objectives with this firts lesson are at least 3.

1. First af all, you are getting in contact with the subject English again after the vacay.

2. Get together as a class, again.

3. To be familiar with expressing thoughts and wishes in English.

4. To be familiar with literature in English


2. Centralt innehåll - Vad ska du arbeta med?

We are going to work with Reading, Writing and Speaking



3. Arbetssätt - Hur ska du arbeta?

You are expected to actively participate in class discussions and the reading of a book.

4. Hjälp - Hur får du stöd för att klara arbetet?

 Le's start with the fun before we get serious! 

1. It's all about the Bag!

  • Fill this bag with 4 things or objects that tell something about yourself
  • All your objects have to fit in this bag.
  • Bring the bag back tommorow, in case you don't have a bad right now, and be ready to share with the class.

To continue with the fun...

  •  Tell 3 facts about yoyur life. Something thatt happened to you. Two of them should be true and one should be a lie.The class have to find out which one is a lie.

Now, let's get serious now!

To star with, you are supose to look at the content in Happy 9 and decide the advantages and disadvantages of starting with a specific text.

This year we are going to cooperate with the subject Swedish by Reading a book in both Swedish and English. 

The comon goal is not only to link both languages but to connect with a specific section in English, namely grammar. We read the book for the fun of it, and we have the stress in a specific garmmar target. We are also going to rewrite some paragraphs so that it suits our specific target.


5. Redovisningsform - Hur och när ska du visa vad du kan?

In the speak section you show your skills by talking in your small Group. You paerticipate actively in all the discussions in your Group and in class as a whole.


Further on , you are going to read the book "Närmar du dig mjukt" with its translation in English. 

You read this book in båth English and Swedish.









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