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SVA 9en Beginners-Intermediate level (Höstterminen 2020

Rödabergsskolan, Stockholm Grundskolor · Senast uppdaterad: 24 augusti 2020

Svenska som främmande språk


v. 34 Getting back into the  right mood for Learning Swedish

v. 35 Writing (diagnostic) task to see learners present state of their Swedish.

v. 36 Present the main content from previous weeks writing task orally in class. ( Current state of your spoken Swedish can be assessed). (If no Swedish at all yet you can contribute with something in English and listen to the sound of Swedish).

v. 37 To be continued when we know what students we have this year and what they know after the summer Swedish course and other learning efforts during the holidays.

v.38 See teams for more information.




Komma igång med Svenskan igen. Kunna läsa, skriva och tala med tillhörande grammatik samt utveckla ordförrådet. Vi utgår från läromedelstexterna den första tiden. Därtill använder vi fristående hörförståelser och film/tvprogram på målspråket.


(Med reservation för ändringar i Coronatider).




Homework will be on a weekly basis. You are supposed to revise things after each lesson and try to memorise new useful language skills.


Repetera texten hemma genom att  läsa högt och slå upp ord som är nya samt lära in nya ord/glosor. Take notes!

Read 8 on a regular basis.


Öva extra på grammatiska moment som du känner dig osäker på.


Tips för extra ambitiöst arbete:


Sätt språket på tex Netflix så du kan lyssna /läsa på svenska. Sedan finns det mycket användbart på Youtube under German as foreign language eller DaF.




Bedömning sker utifrån kapiteltexter och det som görs på lektionerna.


Särskilda bedömningsuppgifter tar vi separat när det är dags för detta.


Du bör kunna använda din kunskap i andra sammanhang som är snarlika men ändå inte exakt som i boken.


Swedish curriculum in ENGLISH.

Swedish/ SVA pg. 274

Knowledge requirements for grade E at the end of year 9
Pupils can read fiction and non-fiction texts with ease by using and choosing reading
strategies based on the specific characteristics of the text in a basically functional way.
By making simple summaries of the contents of different texts and commenting on
the main parts with some connection to time aspects and causal relationships, pupils
show basic reading comprehension. In addition, on the basis of their own experiences
and frames of reference, and different issues concerning life and the surrounding
world, pupils can interpret and apply simple and to some extent informed reasoning
about the main messages in different works. Pupils also apply simple reasoning about
the work with reference to its author and draw to some extent informed conclusions
about the relationship between the work and its crea

Pupils can write different kinds of texts with some variation in language, simple
text linking and basically functional adaptation to type of text, language norms and
structures. The narrative texts pupils write contain simple expressive descriptions and
narrative devices, and dramaturgical elements with simple plots. Pupils can search for,
select and compile information from a limited range of sources and apply simple and
to some extent informed reasoning to the credibility and relevance of their sources
and information. The summaries are characterised by simple descriptions and explanations,
simple and functional knowledge-related language, and basically functional
structures, quotations and source references. By combining different types of texts,
aesthetic expressions and media so that the various parts interact in a basically functional
way, pupils can enhance, reinforce and bring to life the message in their texts. In
addition, pupils can give simple assessments of the contents of a text, its language and
structure, and based on responses work on enhancing clarity, quality and expressiveness
in a basically functional way.

Pupils can with a basically functional combination of everyday related and topicrelated
language, talk about and discuss various topics in a simple way. In such situations,
pupils can put questions and express opinions using simple and to some extent
informed arguments in a way which to some extent takes the dialogues and discussions
forward. Pupils choose and use basically functional language strategies to understand
and make themselves understood. In addition, pupils can prepare and carry out
simple oral accounts with basically functional structures, content and language and
some adaptation to purpose, recipient and context. Pupils can apply simple and to
some extent informed reasoning about language variants in Swedish, and also some of
the main differences and similarities between Swedish and other languages.



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