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Summer talk/ Desert Island Discs (eng 5) ht-20

Sannarpsgymnasiet, Halmstad · Senast uppdaterad: 21 augusti 2023

Your summer holiday has now passed and it’s time to make a new effort in school. Have you heard of the word summertalker (sommarpratarna)? If not, you will know the meaning of the word after this project. You have been chosen to be the school’s summertalker. You will plan and record a short program where you are the main character. The length of your talk should be approximately 5 minutes. The main goal is to capture the listeners’ interest – to entertain with a short selection of songs. Imagine that you are going to tell your story in the Swedish Radio programme Sommar i P1 (Summer in Channel 1) or select the English BBC version of "Desert Island discs" where you select eight tracks, a book and a luxury item: what would you take to a desert island?

Planning: This is what we will do: Listen, take notes, write and talk

Inspiration: Desert Island Discs Daniel Radcliffe - actor

                    PewDiePie Summer in P1:

                    Desert Island Discs Michael Johnson:
                    Desert Island Discs Jessica Ennis-Hill: BBC Radio 4 - Desert Island Discs, Dame Jessica Ennis-Hill, athlete


  • Listen to and discuss the Summer talk/ Desert Island Discs
  • Write a summary of the Summer talk 150 words during class, hand it in on Teams.

  • Write and prepare your own Summer talk, the first lesson you work quietly and individually using
  • Read your script several times and try to improve your text,  rehears it! Pay attention to grammar, use a wide variety of vocabulary and proper pronunciation. If you simply read you script, you are missing the point. 
  • Prepare your presentation which you will record
  • Take a moment with a friend in class. Peerreview. Give speech, give and receive feedback from classmate.
  • Record your presentation by using an application “Opinion” or by downloading Simple Audio Recorder or Simple Audio Voice Sound Recorder, Teams works fine too. DO NOT READ YOUR SCRIPT
  • (Present it to your class) as many as possible and send to you teacher.
  • Send it to your teacher

What should be included in your final script?

  1. ·       An introduction
  2. ·       A content. The content could include two- three songs, 10-20 seconds each. It is nice if you explain why you have chosen these particular songs.
  3. ·       A ending

·       Try to use as many “linking words” as you can. You will receive a list a several linking words. However, do not overuse them. Linking words will help you structure the text as well as adding to the formality.

·       Try to vary your language, do not use the same word over and over and over and over and over.


Topics you can talk about in your Summer talk

·       Something you love for example a sport, a piece of music

·       A person that has affected your life somehow

·       A happy memory

·       What you dream about

·       What would you bring to a desert Island

·       A special trip

·       Some memory from your childhood

·       Something ironic or embarrassing that has happened to you

·       Something that makes you happy or sad


Plan or Schedule You will have

·       two lessons to write your summertalk script, to give and receive feedback. Write 150 word summary.

·       one lesson to process and work through everything you have written. Write 150 word summary.

·       one lesson to record your presentation. Write 150 words summary.

Discuss summer talk in small groups

The speaker talkes about his schoolexperience, what did he experience?

What is the speaker famous for? 

Fame, and being famous has affected the speaker, how?

What did you find interesting?




Ämnesområden med anknytning till elevernas utbildning samt samhälls- och arbetsliv; aktuella områden; händelser och händelseförlopp; tankar, åsikter, idéer, erfarenheter och känslor; relationer och etiska frågor.

Talat språk, även med viss social och dialektal färgning, och texter som är instruerande, berättande, sammanfattande, förklarande, diskuterande, rapporterande och argumenterande, även via film och andra medier.

Sammanhängande talat språk och samtal av olika slag, till exempel intervjuer.

Strategier för att lyssna och läsa på olika sätt och med olika syften.

Hur ord och fraser i muntliga och skriftliga framställningar skapar struktur och sammanhang genom att tydliggöra inledning, orsakssammanhang, tidsaspekt och slutsats.

Muntlig och skriftlig produktion och interaktion av olika slag, även i mer formella sammanhang, där eleverna instruerar, berättar, sammanfattar, förklarar, kommenterar, värderar, motiverar sina åsikter, diskuterar och argumenterar.

Strategier för att bidra till och aktivt medverka i diskussioner med anknytning till samhälls- och arbetslivet.

Bearbetning av egna och andras muntliga och skriftliga framställningar för att variera, tydliggöra och precisera samt för att skapa struktur och anpassa till syftet och situationen. I detta ingår användning av ord och fraser som tydliggör orsakssammanhang och tidsaspekter.

Matriser i planeringen
Engelska 5 - Centralt innehåll och Kunskapskrav
Summer talk - Deadline September
Summary 150 words

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