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7 - 9

Bring a thing! HT 20/21

Maria Parkskolan, Helsingborg · Senast uppdaterad: 19 augusti 2020

"Bring a thing" gives you the opportunity to write and talk about someone or something that means a lot to you or is/was special in one way or the other. You can choose anything from a dessert to a role model, from a pet to a holiday etc; a topic you easily can relate to. Make your story personal and interesting and something the audience will remember!


To practise and improve your ability to speak and write in English, your task is to choose a thing to talk and write about; a thing that is special to you. You need to choose something that you can bring to school. A photograph is alright to take, since you can talk from the picture, which means that you can tell about a person if you want to.

Goals to aim for according to the syllabus for English

A- In oral and written production, pupils can express themselves in relatively varied ways, clearly and coherently. Pupils express themselves with ease and some adaptation to purpose, recipient and situation. To clarify and vary their communication, pupils can work on and make well-grounded improvements to their own communications. In oral and written interaction in different contexts, pupils can express themselves clearly and with ease, and also with some adaptation to purpose, recipient and situation. In addition, pupils can choose and apply well-functioning strategies to solve problems and improve their interaction and take it forward in a constructive way. 

C- In oral and written production, pupils can express themselves in relatively varied ways, relatively clearly and relatively coherently. Pupils express themselves also with some ease and to some extent adapted to purpose, recipient and situation. To clarify and vary their communication, pupils can work on and make well-grounded improvements to their own communications. In oral and written interaction in different contexts, pupils can express themselves clearly and with some ease and with some adaptation to purpose, recipient and situation. In addition, pupils can choose and use functional strategies to solve problems and improve their interaction.

E- In oral and written production, pupils can express themselves simply, understandably and relatively coherently. To clarify and vary their communication, pupils can work on and make simple improvements to their communications. In oral and written interaction in different contexts, pupils can express themselves simply and understandably and also to some extent adapted to purpose, recipient and situation. In addition, pupils can choose and apply basically functional strategies which to some extent solve problems and improve their interaction.

Description of goals

  • write a personal text about something that is special to you; 1-2 pages long
  • present your topic to a group
  • talk freely; use keywords
  • make a Powerpoint to use when presenting

Ways of working

Choose an object that means something special to you. Write a text including some or all of the following:

• what the thing is • why it is special to you • what you use it for • where you keep it •why you remember it • how it makes you feel • what it makes you think of • if you think it will always be special to you and why

When you have written your text, rehearse it and prepare a presentation. You are allowed to use keywords when you present. Don’t bring the whole text; there is a risk that you will end up reading from the paper instead of freely. A presentation is not something you read from a paper, it is something you tell others, showing and explaining the content  and making it interesting to listen to (you can use pictures for example). Have eye contact with the audience and speak loud and clear. Hand in your written text the lesson Before the presentations start.

Your presentation should be 3-5 minutes long

Evaluation and assessment of you work

  • How well you write; content, words, grammar, sentences
  • How well you speak; vocabulary, grammar, fluency, pronunciation, intonation
  • How well you present your topic; structure, contact with audience, body language, voice etc

Time plan

Week 36-39

First lesson: introduction and brainstorming

Second, third lesson: Writing; first draft

Fourth lesson: Writing; final draft. Hand in everything you´ve written

Fifth lesson: presentations

Sixth lesson: presentations


formulera sig och kommunicera i tal och skrift,

använda språkliga strategier för att förstå och göra sig förstådda,

anpassa språket efter olika syften, mottagare och sammanhang, och

Åsikter, erfarenheter, känslor och framtidsplaner.

Olika sätt att bearbeta egna framställningar för att variera, tydliggöra, precisera och anpassa dem efter deras syften.

Muntliga och skriftliga berättelser, beskrivningar och instruktioner.

Språkliga företeelser för att förtydliga, variera och berika kommunikationen som uttal, intonation och fasta språkliga uttryck, grammatiska strukturer och satsbyggnad.

Matriser i planeringen
Kopia av ENGELSKA Lgr11 bedömningsmatris 3, Kunskapsstaden Helsingborg

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