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Friends or not Friends year 8

Långsjöskolan, Norrtälje · Senast uppdaterad: 9 augusti 2022

Du kommer att: - bygga ut ditt ordförråd kring temat ”vänskap och relationer”; - läsa och lyssna på såväl talad som skriven engelska med temaområdet tonåren och identitetsutveckling i fokus; - utveckla din förmåga att sätta innehåll i relation till dina egna erfarenheter, livsvillkor och intressen; - träna upp din förmåga att formulera dig och samspela med andra i tal och skrift samt att anpassa ditt språk till olika situationer, syften och mottagare; - arbeta med modala hjälpverb då tonårstiden handlar mycket om krav och förväntningar.


W 35

1.      Group discussion:


a.      What do you first notice about people?

b.      What do people first notice about you?

c.       What did you first notice about your best friend?

d.      Do you think you judge people too easily?

e.      Do you think people judge you too easily?

f.         Are your first impressions normally right or wrong?

g.       Do you think people judge too early?

h.      Do you judge people on social networks like Facebook and Instagram?


2.      Vocabulary work & listening (worksheet provided in class)


3.      Read the transcript of "First impressions".


4.      Find and write down all the words to describe character and appearance.


5.      Answer the following questions in writing:


a. What do Harry, Rwakn, Robbie and Lorraine first notice about someone when they meet people?

b. What do they think people's first impression of them might be?

c. What did they first notice about their best friend?


     6.  What are best friends like? Speaking!

7.  Reading, “Best friends”, pp. 96-97; read and do the exercise “Did you get it?” after each text.

W 36

1.  Reading, “Best friends”, pp. 96-97; read and do the exercise “Did you get it?” after each text. Continue!

2. Answer the following questions individually. Write in a Word document:

a. What does it mean to be a friend to somebody?
b. Why do people need friends?
c. Could you describe your best friend or a very good friend?
d. What shared interests do you have?
e. What is the best way to make new friends?


3. Group discussion: What does it mean to be an active listener? Work in groups of 3-4 students. Read the question aloud. Discuss your own opinions about the question, and also what other opinions there are.


4. Listening: “Can men and women be friends?” 


Do you agree/ disagree with the speaker on the matter? Give examples to prove your point. Evaluate your listening strategy.


5.Warm-up: What is an idol? Talking in pairs.


6.Reading:” Idols and outlaws”. Reactions? Translation exercise



W 37

1. Read "Friends" in pairs or in small groups.

2. Explain word expressions in bold in English or in Swedish.

3. Speak in small groups:  

a. Who do you know in your life that has your back?

b. What friend do you hope will be a friend for Life?

c.  Does your best friend have a good heart?

d. Do you know anybody that doesn't have a bad bone in their body?

e. Who do you feel comfortable to be yourself with?

f. Can you remember a time when you and a close friend counted on each other?


4.      Vocabulary work. 

5. Idols and outlaws –follow up

a. Group discussions "Idols".

b. Read a text "The Dark Side of the Fame".

c. Explain 6 keywords in English.

c. Look up and write down the definition of underlined words from the text. Write in the same Word document you have already used for this project.

 We will also do a reading comprehension test this week!

W 38

1. Reading "Being Different". 
a. Read the text  
b. Write down some thoughts about the text: how does the text make you feel? What is the main idea of the text? Again, please use the same Word document.


2.      Prepare for group discussions by answering the following questions individually and in writing.

a. Do you want to be a celebrity? If yes - what are the positive aspects of stardom (point out all the advantages that come with being a celebrity)? In the case you do not want to be famous - highlight the negative aspects of stardom, focusing on the disadvantages of being a celebrity?

b. What are some of the ways you can be different from your classmates?

c.What are the positive aspects of being unique and standing out?

d.What are the negative aspects? 5.If you could choose, would you rather be like everyone else and fit in, or stand out and be different? Why?

3.      Prepare for group discussions.


4.      The final discussion

a.      Individual preparation ; make notes to use as a part of the preparation


b.      Discuss



Aktuella och för eleverna välbekanta ämnesområden.

Åsikter, erfarenheter, känslor och framtidsplaner.

Talad engelska med viss regional och social färgning.

Olika former av samtal, dialoger, intervjuer och muntliga framställningar.

Strategier för att uppfatta detaljer och sammanhang i talat språk och texter, till exempel att anpassa lyssnande och läsning efter framställningens form, innehåll och syfte.

Samtal och diskussioner samt argumentation.

Språkliga strategier för att bidra till och aktivt medverka i samtal genom att ta initiativ till interaktion, ge bekräftelse, ställa följdfrågor, ta initiativ till nya frågeställningar och ämnesområden samt för att avsluta samtalet.

Matriser i planeringen
Muntlig interaktion (the final discussion)
Läsförståelse och skriftlig interaktion (läsförståelseprov)
En: Discussion Friends or not Friends
Listening comprehension test w. 37
Group discussion w. 38/39

Hjälp och support



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