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Cooking, Restaurant/Café

The English School Gothenburg, Fristående förskolor · Senast uppdaterad: 9 september 2020

The children choose cooking as a topic they wanted to learn more about. We have turned one room into a café/restaurant to learn more about serving, preparing food and paying a bill at a restaurant.

  • Purpose/Reason behind the topic
    what do we want to achieve when working on this topic?

    we want the children to learn more about their chosen topic by working on learning more about different foods, restaurant play, cooking together with the kids and by the end of the topic, have new knowledge about this subject.

    - what are the children interested in?

     We have a voting in the beginning of the term, where the children where asked what they wanted to learn more about. They came up with different suggestions and then we had a vote on which topic we should focus on. the winning vote was "cooking, food and restaurant". That's now our topic.

  • Goals- Lpfö18

    What goals from the curriculum do we want to work towards?

  • Linked below



    why these goals?

    Since it's the children's choice, we want them to use their creativity to explore what they want to learn more about. We will aim to follow their interests and see what kind of activities they are enjoying the most. 



    - How are we going to reach the goals? 

    By being creative and approach the topic from many different angles. By cooking, by role play, by learning more facts about the chosen topic. letting the children come up with their own ideas. 

    What activities are we planning to reach our goals?

    cooking, baking and preparing different foods,

    we will have a restaurant in on classroom where we can play different topic related role plays, we will learn where food comes from. We will follow the children's interest. 

     Pedagogical documentation

    - How can we involve the children in their own documentation?


    by letting them take part in the filming and photographing. Letting them tell their stories on what has happened. take notes, observe their play and  develop the topic as we go, by following their whites and curiosity. 


tillämpa ett demokratiskt arbetssätt där barnen aktivt deltar,

nyfikenhet, kreativitet och lust att leka och lära,

självständighet och tillit till sin egen förmåga,

förmåga att fungera enskilt och i grupp, samarbeta, hantera konflikter och förstå rättigheter och skyldigheter samt att ta ansvar för gemensamma regler,

förmåga att använda och förstå begrepp, se samband och upptäcka nya sätt att förstå sin omvärld,

förmåga att lyssna på och reflektera över andras uppfattningar samt att reflektera och ge uttryck för egna uppfattningar,

fantasi och föreställningsförmåga,

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