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Who Inspires You? - Research, Essay, & Presentation

Brattebergsskolan 7-9, Öckerö kommun · Senast uppdaterad: 15 september 2020

Think about who inspires you. What qualities do they have? What obstacles have they overcome? What achievements have they accomplished? What do you admire about them? How do they influence and shape the person you are and the person you want to be?

Essay and Presentation: 

Someone who inspires me... 


Essay due date: Week 42: no later than October 14th.

Presentation due date: Week 43: no later than October 23rd.


Directions for your project: 


First choose an English speaking person that inspires you. They could be a musician, an athlete, a historical figure, a politician, an actor or actress, a writer, a poet, an activist, or maybe even someone you know personally. Then submit the name of your choice to me via email


Think of all the reasons this person inspires you to better your life, achieve your goals, or make the world a better place. 

Because they are rich, is not a good reason.

Because their music is dope, is not a good reason.

Because they are hot, is not a good reason.


Then research the person you have chosen. Use the techniques we have practiced to make your research and note-taking easier and more efficient. You will be provided worksheets to help organize your information. These pages will not be graded but I strongly recommend using them. 


Next, use the information you have gathered to write a five (5) paragraph essay with a standard introduction, three (3) paragraph body, and a conclusion that outlines your inspiring person. Essays must be submitted no later than Wednesday, October 14th (week 42). This gives you 9 hours of class time to work on this project. 

Finally, you will create an Adobe Spark video presentation about your inspiring person.  Spark is a program that allows you to record audio and attach it to the presentation slides. You will record audio of yourself delivering your information (in English) about your chosen person and attach it to the slides in your video presentation. Completed presentations must be submitted no later than Friday, October 23rd (week 43). This gives you 11 hours of class time to work on this project. Your video presentation will be played for your class/group at a later date. 


Essay requirements:

  • Use Google Documents to type your standard 5 paragraph essay (introduction, 3 paragraph body, and conclusion)

  • Minimum: 1 full page of text + 1 page listing your research sources

  • Use Arial font, size 14 for the heading & 12 for text

  • Use proper paragraphing, capitalization, and punctuation

  • Submit your completed essay though the Google Classroom Assignment and mark the task as done. 


Presentation requirements: 

  • Use Adobe Spark to create a video presentation

  • Have a minimum of 15 slides in your Spark presentation

  • List your credits/sources at the end (does not count towards the 15 slide minimum)

  • Audio of you verbally presenting (in English) your information and thoughts about your chosen person

  • 3-4 minutes in length

Things to think about: 


  • Have you clearly shared information about your topic and included answers to the questions provided in your packet?

  • Have you correctly incorporated transition and sequence words?

  • Did you speak clearly?

  • Did you correctly use tone of voice and intonation during your presentation?

  • Have you kept the interest of your audience?

  • Do you have a proper introduction, body, and conclusion?

  • Have you:

    • Used descriptive language? 

    • Used correct grammar and word order?

    • Used correct spelling, punctuation, and capitalization?


Åsikter, erfarenheter, känslor och framtidsplaner.

Talad engelska och texter från olika medier.

Muntliga och skriftliga instruktioner och beskrivningar.

Olika former av samtal, dialoger, intervjuer och muntliga framställningar.

Muntlig och skriftlig information samt diskussioner och argumentation med olika syften, till exempel nyheter, reportage och tidningsartiklar.

Olika sätt att söka, välja och värdera texter och talat språk på engelska från Internet och andra medier.

Språkliga företeelser som uttal, intonation, grammatiska strukturer, satsbyggnad, ord med olika stilvärden samt fasta språkliga uttryck i det språk eleverna möter.

Hur texter och talat språk kan varieras för olika syften och sammanhang.

Hur sammanbindande ord och andra uttryck används för att skapa struktur och språkligt sammanhängande helheter.

Olika sätt att bearbeta egna framställningar för att variera, tydliggöra, precisera och anpassa dem efter deras syften.

Muntliga och skriftliga berättelser, beskrivningar och instruktioner.

Språkliga strategier för att förstå och göra sig förstådd när språket inte räcker till, till exempel omformuleringar, frågor och förklaringar.

Språkliga företeelser för att förtydliga, variera och berika kommunikationen som uttal, intonation och fasta språkliga uttryck, grammatiska strukturer och satsbyggnad.

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