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Crime and Punishment

Stenbergaskolan åk 4-9, Söderhamn · Senast uppdaterad: 27 januari 2021

In this unit we will read and discuss different texts and films/TV dramas having to do with crime and punishment. You will participate in some discussions and take part in an debate about the death penalty.



To improve the ability to understand spoken and written English.

To improve the ability to speak and write English.

To improve the ability to use strategies while listening, reading, writing and speaking.

This will be assessed:

- The ability to understand spoken English.

- The ability to speak and write. Your writing will be assessed in the different written tasks we do, and your spoken language will be assessed during discussions.

- The ability to use language strategies while speaking and writing. This has to do with your ability to rephrase, ask questions and explain when you are having trouble with finding words etc.

- The ability to adapt your language to different situations.

In the classroom

-We will read some texts and discuss these in different ways. We work with them in different ways, both in groups and individually. We will be using  old-fashioned paper in the classrooms well as your laptop

- We will be learning new words and phrase that have to do with Crime and Punishment

- We will also look at two different aspects of grammar:

1. Modal verbs

Could, Can, be able to; May, might Be allowed to; Should, shall, ought to; Will, would; Must, have to, had to;

2. Verbs in the passive form

You will find in the explanations to all grammar forms in your workbook.


- We will work with worksheets.

- We will listen to World news, and read about the News in your commmunity.

- We will be working with the movie "The Green Mile"

-We will end this unit with some listening and reading comprehension to check your understanding.



We will also evaluate this unit when it is completed.


förstå och tolka innehållet i talad engelska och i olika slags texter,

formulera sig och kommunicera i tal och skrift,

använda språkliga strategier för att förstå och göra sig förstådda,

anpassa språket efter olika syften, mottagare och sammanhang, och

Matriser i planeringen
Crime and Punishment year 9
Translate a newspaper article
Famous Criminal

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