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The English-Speaking World II

Grindskolan, Norrtälje · Senast uppdaterad: 1 december 2021

Studying social life and culture in the English-Speaking world is part of the subject of English. This project was designed and chosen by 8B. It will take some effort and responsibility of everyone, then it will be rewarding and a good learning experience.

Content, method, time and presentation:

* Group-work (2 - 4 /group) 

* Each group chooses a country and then each member selects one - two topics related to the country, searching for information about it, in English, using both verbal and written sources, for example: sights, famous people, food, sport, history.

* Time: w. 12 - 13, 15 - 16 (8 lessons)

* Presentation: Written. Each group hands in a written report about it´s findings on Unikum. It needs to be 100 per cent clear which student has written a certain part.

Structure of the report:

* Purpose and introduction

* Questions - write down questions about each topic, (sight, history etc). When you have questions you know what information to search for.

* Main body (questions about each topic + findings)

* Conclusion

* List of sources (it needs to clear who has used each source).

* After the reports have been handed in you will sit in small groups, reading each others reports and giving verbal feedback on them.


Innehåller inga läroplanspunkter

Matriser i planeringen
Betygsmatris för engelska år 9
Here you upload your report

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