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Project Australia

Grindskolan, Norrtälje · Senast uppdaterad: 30 augusti 2022

Studying social life and culture in the English-Speaking world is part of the subject of English. As well as using sources, written and verbal, for a presentation. And to make comparisons between your findings and your own experience. All of this goes into this project.

Content, method, time and presentation:


w. 11 – 13      Prepare for presentation

w. 15              Verbal presentations


- Search for information in English, using both verbal and written sources

- Edit the info, take notes (key-words)

- Verbal presentation with powerpoint (pictures, headlines, key-words)

Presentation content and structure:

1. Background - short introductory info about Australia: history, climate, population, aborigines. (One student or more)

2.  2- 3 topics about the country, for example:

- Aussie football

- A famous beach

- Artist/band

- The school-system

- Things to do in Melbourne (Sydney, Canberra)        (Everyone presents a topic)

3. A comparison between Australia - Sweden/your own experience  (Everyone)

4. Would you like to visit Australia? Live there? Why/why not? (Everyone)

5. Conclusion and summary

6. List of sources: who has used which sources?

Each student needs to speak freely for at least 3 - 4 minutes

P.S If a group member is absent from the presentation, the rest of the group members has to cover for him/her. Make sure you know each other´s parts!


* Simon, Felix, Erl

* Rasmus, Markuss, Fotis

* Elias, Erik,Dylan

* Jade, Linnea, Stina





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Betygsmatris för engelska år 9
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