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American History X: w.2-8+10 vt2022 9A

Domnarvets skola, Borlänge · Senast uppdaterad: 9 januari 2023

You are going to watch the movie American History X (1h59 min) and discuss it in during classes. You will do two examinations: one group discussion and one writing examination.

Time schedule


Thursday 13/1

  • STARTER: You'll get one or two historical events to find facts about. You'll find the document here: Teams/9A/Engelska Helén/Filer/American History X
  • Use the Internet and find facts about the historical event


Tuesday 18/1

  • STARTER: Prepare for the oral presentation of your historical event/s. The presentation should be about 1-3 min long. (15-20 min)
  • Presentations of historical events in class (35 min)

Thursday 20/1 

  • STARTER: A mini-test of the historical events in the USA (as repetition)
  • Group discussion: The Civil Rights Movement + Rosa Parks (Teams/9A/Engelska Helén/Filer/American History X)
  • Present the groups' reflections of the discussion of Rosa Parks
  • Watch the first part of the movie (5,08)


Tuesday 25/1

  • STARTER: What happened in the first 5 min of the film? (5 min)
  • Watch the Movie (about 35 min)
  • Discuss the movie from given questions - in speaking: (10-15 min)
  1. What has happened so far? 
  2. Which scene was the most interesting scene so far? Why?
  3. Some parts of the film are showed in colour, some in black and white. Why? Why has the director chosen to do so?
  4. What thoughts do you have from watching the film? Was anything difficult to understand?





Tuesday 1/2

  • STARTER: What has happened so far? (5 min)
  • Watch the Movie (35 min)
  • Take notes & quotes (5 min)
  • Discussion about Derek (10 min)
  1. Reasons for Derek ending up in prison?
  2. Does he change? Why/why not?

Thursday 3/2

  • STARTER: What does these words and phrases used in the movie mean: 1.monkey/ loaders/3.Take your head out of your ass/4.Not on my watch/5. Shylock nose (10 min)
  • Watching the movie (30 min)
  • Discussion (2 and 2): Are we born evil? (10 min)


Tuesday 8/2

  • STARTER: Finish watching the movie (15 min)
  • Discuss the ending of the movie. Why did it happen? Could it have been avoided? How? (10 min)
  • Get the EXAM-questions to discuss (seven questions) (5 min) [Teams/9A/Engelska Helén/Filer/American History X/EXAM Discussion American History X - questions]
  • Check the tips of oral discussions on the backside of the EXAM-questions. (5 min) Teams/9A/Engelska Helén/Filer/American History X
  • Find QUOTES from the movie on the Internet (to use in the EXAMINATION) (10-15 min)
  • Prepare the examination: quotes, questions you want to discuss. You'll get a mind-map [Teams/9A/Engelska Helén/Filer/American History X/EXAM Discussion American History X - questions] (5-10 min)

Thursday 10/2

  • STARTER: Instructions for the writing examination [Teams/9A/Engelska Helén/Filer/American History X /EXAM: American History X - Instructions writing a personal column]
  • Prepare the speaking Examination: oral discussion in groups of three. Which questions to discuss?
  • Make a mind-map, you'll get one from your teacher, which you can use.


Tuesday 15/2

  • Examination: oral discussion in groups of four
  • Hand in the film through the chat in Teams

Thursday 17/2

  • Make a mind-map to use during the WRITING examination: Writing a personal column. (30 min)
  • Writing examination. Use your mind-map. Write in Teams/Uppgift/American History X: Writing a personal column (20 min)



Thursday 24/2

  • Writing the examination (in Teams/Uppgift/American History X: Writing a personal column).
  • Check that you haven't missed anything!




Tuesday 8/3

  • Finish the writing examination. OBS! Check that you haven't missed anything!
  • Evaluate American History X


1. The oral discussions and presentations during lessons

2. An oral discussion in smaller groups, in which you will:

a) be in groups of four in a group room or classroom

b) record your discussion on TWO MOBILEPHONES and mail one recording to your teacher

c) discuss for about 20-25 minutes 

d) choose 3-4 questions to discuss [Teams/9A/Engelska Helén/Filer/American History X - film/Exam -  Discussion American History X questions]

e) Use TIPS: When discussing a book or a film (in Teams/9A/Engelska Helén/Filer/American History X - film)

3. Writing a personal column [Teams/9A/Engelska Helén/Filer/American History X /EXAM: American History X - Instructions writing a personal column]

a) You'll also find TIPS of how to write a personal column in the links (see down below)

b) You will write the column in Teams/Uppgift/American History X/EXAM: Writing a personal column



Writing Columns | MU Extension (

How to Write a Column (with Pictures) - wikiHow

Ten Tips For Better Column Writing and Article Writing - Owlcation


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