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Why use Unikum Share?

Sharing with Everyone

Welcome to Unikum Share! We believe that collegial collaboration is the key to good teaching. Unikum Share is a sharing service for educational material created by educators and used daily with children and students in thousands of Swedish preschools and schools. With Unikum Share as a resource repository, educators can save a lot of time and get inspiration for their teaching. Here they will find proven teaching resources from thousands of professional educators all over Sweden. Most plans and rubrics in Unikum Share are linked to specific parts of the Swedish curriculum, which means that the educational context is already in place. Welcome to explore 1,000,000+ educational plans, 100,000+ rubrics, and 10,000+ conversation templates in Unikum Share. Use filters and sorting to narrow down your searches to find relevant material. Unikum Share is constantly updated with new material, new features, and improvements, and we hope it is a valuable tool that you often return to.

Plans in Unikum

The material in Unikum Share is open and free for everyone to use. If you are an educator using Unikum as a learning platform, the plans are fully integrated with Unikum's parts and features. Inside Unikum, you can easily copy a plan from Share, adapt it if necessary, and assign it to one or more teaching groups. The plans are also used as a basis for assessments in Unikum, used in development talks, can be linked to teaching logs, are reflected upon, and become the hub in the systematic quality work (SKA) that schools work with to constantly improve their operations; all to give Swedish children and students an equitable education of high quality. Contributing material to Unikum Share is so far only for educators working in Unikum. If you do not work in Unikum, but are curious to know more about what it is like to work in Unikum, click here:

Who runs Unikum Share and why?

Unikum Share is operated by us at Unikum - Unikt Lärande AB, makers of the learning portal Unikum. We work every day to improve and simplify for schools and preschools to conduct quality teaching. With Share, we want to create a utility for educators regardless of which learning platform they use. Therefore, all material in Unikum Share is free and unlimitedly available. We want our customers to be satisfied and want to continue using Unikum, and for more schools, municipalities, and educators to become interested in our product and want to start using it. In addition to the utility we create with Unikum Share, it is a way for us to reach more users and thus spread knowledge about and interest in Unikum. And the more users Unikum has, the more resources we get to further develop our products to benefit educators.

Who owns the material?

All material in Unikum Share is owned by the educators who created it. Unikum does not own the material, but it is the educators themselves who own it. It is also the educators themselves who decide whether they want to share the material or not. If an educator chooses to share their material, it is free for everyone to use. It is also free for everyone to copy the material and adapt it to their own needs. All this is regulated in the license form Creative Commons - Attribution ShareAlike 4.0, that you can read more about by clicking the link below.

Why use Unikum Share?

Everybody shares with everybody

Plans in Unikum

Who runs Unikum Share and why?

Who owns the material?