Åsö grundskola, Stockholm Grundskolor · Senast uppdaterad: 9 oktober 2018
A gripping novel set in the Depression-era America, when times were tough. People lost their jobs, lost their savings and had to go on the road looking for manual work on farms. The future was uncertain and hope was rare. You will get to know George and Lennie, friends, drifters, dreamers, and read and discuss their tragic story.
Week 39
“Walking dictation”- Read and remember (Activboard)
Literary terms- (litterära termer)
Introduction of the characters-take notes!
a) Write descriptions to 4 terms - start with “plot”
b) Describe 4 other terms to your friend in English… your friend should guess.
Homework: Literary terms
Week 40
Test: Literary terms
Vocab “sycamore…” + The book-intro + Listen (CD). We listen together to P. 35
Questions to Ch. 1 (Activboard) (p. 1- 38).
Retell what you´ve heard to your friend.
Discuss questions to Ch 1
Check vocab “skinner…” before we Listen to Ch 2 (P. 19—42)
Write a short summary of the first parts of the book. Use some 150 words.
Homework: Read one more chapter at home.
Week 41
Read your summary in groups
Discussion in class- what has happened this far?
Task 4: Portraits-We write facts about the characters. Use the character sheet!
Discuss characters in class – take notes? Quizlet questions
Read the book+ work with exercises
Homework: Read to P.83 (Red book) P. 95 (Grey book)
Quizlet Questions
Read the book+ work with exercises
Homework: Finish reading the book
Week 42
Wednesday: Symbols in the novel + FILM
Thursday: FILM
Week 43
Wednesday: FILM + Essay Writing (E/C/A
Thursday: Continue- Essay Writing (E/C/A)
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