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Diagnos 1, hörförståelse - "Rise and Shine" and Test 2 (Section 2, Wings 7)

Forssaklackskolan, Borlänge · Senast uppdaterad: 24 september 2021

Listening to a radio programme and finding out that you understand what they are talking about - isn't that great? And can you write down answers with the correct amount of information, that also include details? And what can you make out of a conversation about a lost sports kit? Which statements are true or false? You have practiced during your English lessons, but now it's time to show your skills.

Listening comprehension test:

Rise and Shine: You will listen to a radio programme and answer to questions about its contents. Your written answers must be in English. When there is a multiple choice question, only ONE alternative is correct.


Lost and Found (listening comprehension test to Section 2, Wings 7): You are going to listen to a conversation between James and his gym teacher and decide whether the statements are true or false.


Maximum points: 18

A: 17-18

C: 14-16

E: 9-13


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