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Reading and writing - New york city; week 5-12

Smedingeskolan Söder, Kungsbacka Förskola & Grundskola - slutgallrad · Senast uppdaterad: 17 februari 2019

During this theme we will work with New York. You will receive (få) texts to read and watch videos about New York in the class room. Besides (dessutom), we will also work with grammar.


* Fully charged computer

* Your yellow file (mapp) with your texts about New York and grammar exercises from your teacher

* Pencil and rubber (suddigum)


You will receive (få) knowledge (kunskap) by:

* Reading texts about New York 

* Listen to information about New York

* Grammar lessons (grammatik) to improve (förbättra) your writing skills (färdigheter) 

* Answer questions in English

* Write a text in English 

* Work and improve (förbättra) your language (språk) when you write 



Lesson 1 - TEXTS and EXERCISES (övningar) - You will receive these texts from your teacher


Week 5: Read Welcome to New York City + written exercise 7.


Week 6: No lessons this week because of NP in Swedish


Week 8: Read Simon's diary entry SLI-film about New York.


Week 9: Read A day to remember + written exercise 11 + music time (31).


Week 10: Read The Statue of Liberty + written exercise 12A. Hand in all your reading exercises, Thursday! (see exercise here at Unikum) 


Week 11-12: Work with your writing exercise and hand in on Thursday! (see exercise here at Unikum) 




Lesson 2 - GRAMMAR (grammatik) - You will receive (få) these exercises from your teacher


Week 5: Adjektiv (sid. 37-38)


Week 6: Verbet BE/presens (sid. 39) + preteritum (was/were)


Week 8: Verbet HAVE/presens (sid. 40) + preteritum (had)


Week 9: Work with the grammar (grammatik) in the texts you have written.


Week 10: Start with the Writing exercise. 


Week 11: Work with your writing exercise "A post card from New York" and use the response list. Hand in your text (Thursday). 


Response list:


* Correct vocabulary in the sentence (she’s/her, which/witch, meet/meat)


* Grammar mistakes (is/are, was/were, have/has, wordorder, verb tenses)


* Spelling mistakes (whit = with, to/too, your/you’re, its/it’s, meat/meet


* Spoken and written language (gonna-going to, wanna-want to, you-u)


* Then make sure you have; - a capital (stor) letter in the beginning of every sentence and capital letter on I in a sentence. - dot (punkt) in the end of every sentence - Not too long sentences, use dots and commas


* If you use abbreviations (förkortningar) (it’s, wasn’t etc., make sure you put the apostrophe in the right place (not its). If you are unsure about how to use abbreviations, just write it is, was not etc.


* Look for variation in your text How to begin a sentence (not too many I, he, she) You mustn’t begin a sentence with and, because etc. (these are linking words).


* Use a variation of difficult words and expressions.


* Look for correct preposition words, i.e. angry with (not at), look at (not on).


OBS! Before you hand in your text you let at least (minst) one person read your text!


Assessment (bedömning):

See matris below (writing including grammar, work with your text but also reading and understanding) what we will look at. 


Innehåller inga läroplanspunkter

Matriser i planeringen
Reading and writing, week 5-12
Text and grammar exercises
Wrtiting exercise, writing a postcard from New York

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