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Psychological disorders SA17EB

Kungsholmens gymnasium, Stockholm Gymnasieskolor · Senast uppdaterad: 14 januari 2019

We work in groups researching and analysing psychological disorders

Psychological disorders  

  1. Depression (mood disorder)  


  1. Generalized anxiety disorder (Anxiety disorder) 

  1. Bipolar disorder (mood disorder) 

  1. Schizofrenia  

  1. Antisocial Personality disorder (Personality disorder) 

  1. PTSD (Anxiety disorder) 


Assignment in groups  

I will divide up groups that focus on a certain disorder5-6 people in each group. If there is a disorder you don’t want to work with for personal reasons, let me know.  


  1. Prepare an oral presentation that includes:  

  • Symptoms and what it means for individual to live with. Good if this includes a case study.  

  • shortly explain causes and treatments from two perspectives view point (psychodynamic, humanist, biological, cognitive, behavioural perspectives, social psychology) 

  • The presentation should be 10 min and be presented in a manner that engages the class. The purpose is to teach each other about the disorders.  

This will be presented before the break in class on 17 December 


  1. Written analysis that complements the presentation:  

After the break, we have one week of the course left: two classes + E-block. On the 16 of January you hand in a written analysis from the group 

  • Evaluate the causes and treatments presented by the perspectives you looked at in your presentation (psychodynamic, humanist, biological, cognitive, behavioural perspectives, social psychology) 

  • Discuss heredity and environmental factors from the perspectives viewpoints  


The written analysis should be maximum 1,5 page, 12 points, Times new roman, 1.15 spacing 


Sources to use:  


On this assignment you will get assessed as a group, the presentation and the written analysis will be assessed together.  


The psychology 1 course ends 15 january 

Grades are set in the course 25 january  




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Psychological disorders
Psychological disorders Written Groups analysis

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