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English år 9, "Fresh News/Current Events/The humans of New York"

Rinkebyskolan, Stockholm Grundskolor · Senast uppdaterad: 26 februari 2020

Why should we bother teaching current events? Well, research and studies show that a regular dose of current events has a multitude of benefits. You may connect to a lot of areas of the curriculum. My main idea is for you to build up a more varied vocabulary, language and reading comprehension, critical thinking, problem solving, oral expression and listening skills. Not to mention the idea of develop informed cítizens (you) and lifelong readers. With that said, my idea is to help you to score higher on standardized achievement tests, particularly in reading, math and social studies, as many studies point out the benefits of being informed with news in the classroom develop future adult readers. Thus, teraching about worldwide happenings needs to involve active, participative learning rather than passive learning. So, we start of by looking at recent news about Donald Trump been impeached by the House of Representativesin the USA.

1. Syfte med undervisningen - Varför gör du det här? Vilken nytta har du av det?

The main purpose with this unit is to make you more aware of the world around you. Further, I want you to be more interested in ssearching information and critically make your own opinion on the news. On your way of knowing more about the world around you, you may also develop a lot of new vocabulary and different ways of expressing it while you do your classroom's work. 

2. Förmågor att utveckla - Vad ska du träna?

In order to aknowledge the world around you, you are going to build up a more varied vocabulary, language and reading comprehension, critical thinking, problem solving, oral expression and listening.

3. Centralt innehåll - Vad ska du arbeta med?

Here you are going to work with skills such as communication, listening and reading, speaking, writing and the prodution of texts.

You are going to work with Reading texts about Donald Trump. You are also going to do exercises of Listen &spell and Dictation. Exemples of the kind of exercises you may do should be, gap fill exrcises, Phrase match, Synonym Match, Vocabulary paragraphs, listening and guess the answers, listening and fill the gaps, and so forth. This section is also going to include working with a lot of exercises with prepositions as well. 

Further, you are going to be introduced to a "special" kind of blog called " The Humans of New York"

4. Arbetssätt - Hur ska du arbeta?

You are going to use articles about Donald Trump. For tha matter, you are able to use the site "Breaking News" on your computer. You may find a lot of exercises there on this site that you are expected to do with your classmates. You are going to work individually as well as in pairs and go around the class and even work with those that you don't regularly work with. After Reading about Donal Trump's Impeachment we continue exploring the World by working with Clio and the unit "Humans of New York". This is a wellknown blog that recopiles everyday's Life of ordinary peolpe in New York. You are supose to work with all texts and questions in Clio. The purpose of each lesson is going to be on the board every day we meet .Week 10 is the due time to present your films and interviews according to the blog "Humans of New York" . 

This is going to be seen as a peer work and it's going to be marked as such too.

5. Stöd - Hur får du hjälp för att klara arbetet?

I'm going to monitor you in this unit, that is, you are going to get all help you need from me. But, you are also going to help each other in class.

In order to master all the new knowledge from this unit you can get very much help from the site "Breaking News English"  as well as from Happy and Clio.

6. Redovisningsform - Hur och när ska du visa vad du kan?

 You are going to work with 'Fresh News* for a couple of weeks now. You do a smal test at the end of this unit. In class, you are supose to be active and do all work during lessons. Besides, your work in class is going to consist on peer work and doing all exercises.

At the end of this part, you are going to present a film, including an interview to your classmate. 





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English år 9, Fresh News/Current Events
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