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Diagnos 7, hörförståelse - "What's it all about" och "Going somewhere", Liber år 8

Forssaklackskolan, Borlänge · Senast uppdaterad: 26 februari 2020

Can you understand most of what you hear of spoken English? Can you discern details and can you draw conclusions of the given information? You have practiced during your English lessons, but now it's time to show your skills.

Listening Comprehension test:

What's it all about?: You are going to listen to 12 dialogues. Listen and decide what the people in the dialogues are doing or talking about. Mark your answer by putting the number for each of the dialogues, 1-12, in the correct box.

There are 20 alternatives to choose from, but you are only going to use 12 of the boxes. You will only hear the dialogues once, so pay attention!

Liber år 8

Going somewhere: You are going to listen to a woman's experiences and thoughts. The story is divided into three parts. Listen carefully and take notes while listening, because you will hear each part only once.

In this test you will choose the correct answer in one multiple choice exercise, but most of your answers must be in writing. You will get time to read the questions before listening, so you know what to listen for. Grammar and spelling is not the most important in this test, but I must be able to understand what you write. 

In this test, you show how you can discern important details and also how you interpret all given information.


Maximum points: 25

A: 22 - 25

C: 17 - 21

E: 12 - 16


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