Farsta grundskola/Adolf Fredriks musikklasser, Stockholm Grundskolor · Senast uppdaterad: 13 mars 2020
What do you do when you have some free time? Sleep? See friends? Try something new?
This period we are going to work with the theme: FREE TIME
Textbook: p 66-67 (63-74)
Workbook: p 66-68 (63-74)
Note: We work with the texts "First lesson" and "Did you know this about horses?" together. Then you can chose other texts on an individual basis.
Question words Workbook p 130-131
Some / Any Workbook p 132-135
Writing: short essay
Goal: After this period you have practiced to use words related to free time when you speak and write. You are more sure of how to use question words and some/any correct.
Your participation during class is very important. You will also have the opportunity to show your skills in a vocabulary / grammar check and when your write your essay.
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