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American history- The civil rights movement

Mariaskolan, Stockholm Grundskolor · Senast uppdaterad: 25 augusti 2020

We will learn about American history with focus on The Civil rights movement. We will watch the movie "Niceville" and discuss it.

week 35

Lesson 1 - Introduction The civil rights movement. Short movies from Nobel museum. Discussions in groups and learn new words. 

Lesson 2 - Watching the movie "Niceville". Homework to next Friday (vocabulary "The civil rights movement".


week 36

Lesson 1 - Continue watching "Niceville"

Lesson 2 - Discussions about the movie in groups. 


week 37 

Lesson 1 - Writing a letter in class. You will write a letter based on the movie "Niceville" (instructions will be given).

Lesson 2 - Final discussions and an evaluation of project. 


Innehåller inga läroplanspunkter

Matriser i planeringen
A letter - Writing
Writing assignment - A letter

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