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7 - 9

English, 9C, Autumn 2021

Murgårdsskolan, Sandviken · Senast uppdaterad: 24 augusti 2021

Dear students, here you can see the plan and some instructions for your English studies this term(autumn 2021).

Week 34: Welcome back! Introduction and warm up. Expectations for year 9. Info about the term.


Week 34-38Theme 1, News. Focus: listening. Assessment: listening comprehension.



Week 39-42: Theme 2,  Focus: grammar. You will practise grammar. Assessment: grammar test .



Week 43: Open for adjustments.



Week 44: Autumn Break



Week 45-46: Theme 3, My Bucket List. Focus:speaking.



Week 47-51: Theme 3, Native Americans.Focus: reading and writing. Assessment: You will be assessed on your reading comprehension skills+ writing.



(Week 47: Background - Native Americans - The arrival of the Europeans - A brand new world)


Week 48 and onwards reading of the book: 


The Absolutely True Story of a Part Time Indian


Week 48: Start reading pages: 1-53

Week 49: read pages: 54-113

Week 50: read pages: 114-168

Week 51: read pages: 169-230 


For each chapter there will be assignments/questions to check your reading comprehension. After finishing the book you will get a longer writing assignment that will be done during a lesson in school. Digitally, as a writing test. 


Week 48-51: National test in English, part A(speaking) will be held at some point during these weeks. We will do some speaking practise before the test. 


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Matriser i planeringen

Innehåller inga matriser

My Bucket List

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