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7 - 9

Instructions 8d HT21

Tiundaskolan, Uppsala · Senast uppdaterad: 13 september 2021

You are going to describe how to do something in English. It must be something you know how to do. Explain a favorite recipe, how to build something, or how to change a tire on a bicycle, how to do something on the computer, how to play a game, how to sew/knit/croche, how to saddle a horse, or something else. It is very useful to be able to explain how something is done and not always as easy as it seems.


You are going to describe how to do something in English. It must be something you know how to do. Your instructions must be a film or a presentation (ex: powerpoint or prezi)

Assume that the person you are writing the instruction for does not know anything about what you are going to explain. That means you have to explain everything.

Deadline is October 10th. Send it to me via e-mail or Teams. 


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Kunskapskrav engelska åk 7-9

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