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Literature - Lord of the Flies

Vuxenutbildningen, Borås Vuxenutbildning · Senast uppdaterad: 23 mars 2022

Literature - Lord of the Flies by William Golding, w 5-w 10. Additionally, reading texts and practicing grammar and vocabulary from other sources will be used during these weeks.

In this course part, the most complex one, we have as a starting point exploring form and content in fiction (literature), literary periods subject areas related to society, culture, ethical issues, living conditions, attitudes, values and traditions, as well as social, political and cultural conditions in different contexts and parts of the world where English is used, the spread of English and its position in the world.

In addition, this course moment deals with:

- oral and written production and interaction of various kinds, also in more formal settings, where students instruct, narrate, summarise, explain, comment, assess, reflect, give reasons for their opinions, discuss and argue.

- strategies for contributing to and actively participating in discussions related to societal life.

- processing  of language  and structure  in their own  and others'  oral and written communications, and also in formal contexts.

- adaptation to genre, situation and purpose.

During this section (arbetsmoment), the lessons and your individual study time will be used for both learning and assessment.

The assessment will be based on:

  1. Reading comprehension and oral ability examination - Friday w 7.
  2. Literature written test - Wednesday w. 10
  3. Literary analysis - submission on Unikum latest Sunday w. 10.
  4. Reception, production, interaction - classroom active participation - overall assessment of your participation and contribution to classroom discussions - results published w 10-11.


Innehåller inga läroplanspunkter

Matriser i planeringen
Reading comprehension and oral ability examination
Literature test (reading comprehension and writing ability)
Literary analysis
Literary analysis - submission on Unikum
Literature test
Reception, production, interaction - classroom active participation
Reading comprehension and oral examination

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