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English 3rd grade

Knutby skola, Uppsala · Senast uppdaterad: 22 augusti 2022

A short description of what we will learn during our English lessons in 3rd grade.


During the 3rd grade we will focus on writing, reading and listening to the English language. The main focus is to make sure that all pupils feels confident and are aware of their English proficiency. We will use the book Learn English 3rd grade and follow the themes of the books chapters. 


Every week we will work with a chapter in Learn English. The pupils learning will decide how long each chapter and/or what extra activities are necessary to ad to the teaching. The main language during the English lessons will be English, as it is important for young learners to hear the sound of the language their trying to learn. However, when needed, translanguaging with Swedish will be used as a support for understandment.


The purpose of the English teaching is to learn the pupils how to make themselves understood in both English speaking and writing. The should also be able to understand written and spoken English. 


Ämnesområden som är välbekanta för eleverna.

Vardagliga situationer, intressen, personer och platser.

Tydligt talad engelska och enkla texter som är instruerande, beskrivande och kontaktskapande, från olika medier, även i kombination med illustrationer.

Enkla dialoger och samtal.

Filmer och dramatiserade berättelser för barn.

Sånger, ramsor, dikter och sagor.

Enkla presentationer, meddelanden, beskrivningar och dialoger i tal och skrift.

Enkla samtal.

Sånger, ramsor och dramatiseringar.

Matriser i planeringen

Innehåller inga matriser


Innehåller inga uppgifter

Hjälp och support



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