Norrtullskolan åk 7-9, Söderhamn · Senast uppdaterad: 16 september 2022
Work with texts and questions from Wings
8 C plan section 2 Wings Health
In this unit you will read and learn about health and add new words and expression in English that has to do with health.
You will work individually (sometimes with a partner.)
I have deliberately left out some dates WHEN to start new chapters. They will be specified when you have adjusted to higher level and harder work.
Remember : This is from our textbook level 8`th grade.
After you have finished this section, you should be able to:
Discuss different values about physical appearance.
Discuss the importance of exercise and healthy food.
Discuss how you are influenced by health recommendation.
This section will be “attacked old style” meaning that you will read, answer questions and when we´ve finish there will be a final writing assignment.
Innehåller inga läroplanspunkter
Innehåller inga matriser