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Gym, obstacles and gross motor skills

IPS Älvsborg, The International Preschool AB · Senast uppdaterad: 12 mars 2024

We will work on the children's independency and body awareness during this theme.We are going to work more on the children's gross motor skills to keep them more confident and well balanced.

We will do this by arranging indoor and outdoor activities with the use of obstacles, material, appropriate and natrual resources such as rocks, benches, sticks and buckets etc.

During gym time we will use steps, tunnels, hoola hups, ladders and benches. This way the children can climb, run, crawl, go trhough and jump.During our outdoor time we will use balls, benches, we'll go to the forest where they can climb on the rocks. We will create a hopscotch ny using natrual resources and chalk.


nyfikenhet, kreativitet och lust att leka och lära,

självständighet och tillit till sin egen förmåga,

motorik, koordinationsförmåga och kroppsuppfattning samt förståelse för hur viktigt det är att ta hand om sin hälsa och sitt välbefinnande,

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