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Book Reading Year 8

Gustav Adolfsskolan, Alingsås · Senast uppdaterad: 8 november 2022

We are going to work with reading and use the content of the book to practice speaking. You will be reading and answering questions in class, but you will record your speaking with Screencastify as homework.

There are three books to choose from: 


Easy: Matilda, tasks

Harder: The witches , tasks

Difficult: The Absolutely-True Diary of a Part-Time Indian


The goal is to read at least one chapter per lesson. It's great if you can read more. The more you read, the more you practice. 

If you miss a lesson or couldn't read the whole chapter in one lesson - keep reading at home or use Gröntid. 

Every week you will make a video where you summarize what you have read and one extra task (e.g. describe the main character, connect the story to your own life, describe the place in the book etc.)

You can make a video with another classmate, but make sure that you both talk. 

If you are not sure what book to choose, ask me for advice. 

Make sure you have shared your Screencastify folder with me. 



Innehåller inga läroplanspunkter

Matriser i planeringen
Engelska Lgr11 (grundmatris)
Video 1. Talking about the book.
Video 1. Book discussion.
Video 2
Video 2. Book reading

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